
Showing posts with label money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label money. Show all posts

02 August, 2007

Have u ever seen 250 MILLION in cash??

wah....... pakcik kayo!!!!

Ever imagined how does 250 milliion dollars look like?

Pictures From Raid of Drug Dealer's House in Mexico- Truth!
Summary of the eRumor:
The eRumor is mostly pictures of a vast stash of American money said to total $207 million and taken in a raid on a drug dealer's house in Mexico.
The Truth:
The pictures are authentic.

A BBC story from March 16, 2007 said the raid netted $205-million along with guns, drugs, and smaller amounts of cash in Euros and Mexican pesos.

Seven persons were arrested and accused of illegally importing chemicals to make methamphetamines.

Police say the raid took place in a mansion in an affluent part of Mexico City.

02 July, 2007

Don't Call Home For Money

A 16-year-old boy comes home with a brand-new Porsche one day. As you might expect, his parents freak out a little bit.
"Where on Earth did you get that car?" demands his mother.
"I bought it today," the boy calmly replies
"With what money?" his parents exclaim. "We know what a Porsche costs."
"With my allowance money," answers the boy. "It was just 15 bucks. And look, here's the title to it!"
This gets the parents even more worked up. "Fifteen bucks??? Who the heck sells a brand-new Porsche for fifteen bucks?" they ask.
"It was the lady that just moved in up the street," says the boy. "I don't know her name. She saw me ride past on my bike and asked me if I wanted to buy a Porsche for fifteen dollars."
"Well, there must have been some kind of mistake," says the mother.
Turning to her husband, she says, "John, you go right up there and see what's going on."
So the boy's father walks up the street, where he finds an attractive middle-aged woman in the front yard planting petunias. He introduces himself and says he's looking for a woman who just sold a Porsche to his son.
"Oh, yes," she responds. "That was me. I hope he's enjoying it!"
"Er... yes, very much," replies the father. "But to tell you the truth, we can't understand what just happened. Why in the world did you sell it for such a low price?"
"Well," she says, "this morning I got a phone call from my husband. I thought he was on a business trip, but I learned from a friend that he ran off to Hawaii with his secretary and really doesn't plan to come back. He said he was stranded and asked me to sell his new Porsche and send him the money. So I did."

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