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Turkish newspaper lied, Malaysian PM says

Abdullah denies buying RM30 million boat.
"The report is inaccurate. It is a lie. I don't know where it got such facts," he told reporters (in Venezuela) when asked to comment on a newspaper report that he went to Bodrum in Turkey recently to see the boat which he ordered four months ago. [read the report here]
The PM said Hurriyet, the Turkish newspaper which carried the report, will be asked to publish a correction.
I agree that the newspaper should be asked to carry a correction if there were serious errors in the report. It should be made to apologise even. But IF Hurriyet had lied about the yacht and Abdullah, a correction and an apology will not be sufficient. IF it had lied about the PM, the Malaysian government should demand that the Turkish government deals severely with the newspaper. This matter involves the integrity of the PM!
p.s. And let's have the official translation for the original report quoted by this blog here.