
30 July, 2007

Surfing on City roads

Dah musim hujan ni. Rasanya sesuai juga kalau dijadikan sukan kat KL ni ... :)

The Moscow Prospect recently passed Shower and a resident of the city has been such an application pool

Allergic to ctas? Try dander!

Cats People who are allergic to cats may not have to get rid of their pets to find relief, if the findings of a new study hold up.

Tolerance to cats can be built up in allergic kids by placing increasing doses of standardized cat dander extract under the tongue, according to Spanish researchers.

In the medical journal Allergy, Dr. Emilio Alvarez-Cuesta of Hospital Ramon y Cajal, Madrid, and colleagues note that a first-line step for people with cat allergy is to remove cats from the home. However, this is often rejected or is not entirely effective, leaving immunotherapy as the only treatment.

In sublingual immunotherapy, or SLIT, the allergen is placed under the tongue, where it is absorbed into the system.

To see whether SLIT using cat dander extract works for cat allergies, the researchers randomly assigned 50 allergic youngsters to get daily SLIT drops with increasing levels of cat allergen or inactive "placebo" drops, for a year.

There were no reports of adverse reactions, and the investigators conclude the results suggest "that the cat SLIT used in this study was able to improve cat allergy based on natural exposure challenge."

Source: MSNBC

The Cairo Toe


An artificial toe found on an Egyptian mummy may be the oldest working prosthesis in existence. The leather and wood toe dates from between 1069 and 664 BC, and shows wear, meaning it was used during the person's lifetime. Researchers will test a reproduction of the toe on volunteers who are missing their right big toe to see if it helps them walk. An earlier toe is believed to be merely cosmetic, since it doesn't bend. Link

Weird Watches - Originality Overdone

As you dig further into the depths of the industry of watchmaking, you may find a lot of weird stuff, which occurs whether due to the lack or overflow of imagination. Here you may find just a list of some very "interesting" watches. Some of them do not require any comments, others will definitely provoke questions.

The two designers of this timepiece are: Jean-François Ruchonnet and Vianney Halter and the watch itself is called the Cabestan. Surely this watch looks like no other, but it's so weird that a question arises: who would want to purchase, especially for $220,000. It's probably worth mentioning that there are only 135 pieces. Thus we have a weird watch for rich geeks.

Having this watch on your wrist make sure you don't get fired for being late. This one is for computer geeks, however there might be someone willing to look like a computer geek so this watch might come in handy. In order to read the time one must know the binary numeration system, otherwise he or she might look not only weird but dumb as well.

There are times when contemporary products get whether the industrial or retro look and it sometimes works, however not always. The latter is the case of this Sports Utility Watch. This watch boasts digital and analogue time, as well as a light, stopwatch, compass and thermometer. Maybe it is technologically advanced but it so bloody ugly, and it is still very weird.

It's a watch, really, no doubt. As a matter of fact if you look attentively you might notice the hands of the watch, situated just beneath the red crystal covered case. One way or another it will be more than uncomfortable to read the time since you will only see the red crystal. Just because this timepiece is designed for ladies it might not look weird if considered to look more like a bracelet.

What time is it? Sorry I didn't get you? Once again? I guess it takes time for you to read the time. Probably this timepiece it has something to do with fashion, maybe some tangency points with the latest trends, or maybe none of the above. All you have to do to read the time is follow the tiny balls (sorry for the expression), and the little hand situated in the middle of the dial.

This one supposes to represent a revolutionary concept. The 12 hour cycle is strangely divided into 4 quarters. Each quarter covers a 3 hour period. Thus each time a hand completes its cycle, it automatically springs back to its starting position. This occurs when the hand on the next dial has advanced a quarter of an hour. Got that? Now read the time, please.

This one is from a watch line called Icelink - very impressive. The developers think its really cool and technologically advanced to have a watch enriched with diamonds on the bezel and crown, having six time zones. It would be interesting to ask an LA glamor lady what time is it right now, for example, in Bucharest.

This watch is a combination of a Chronoswiss golden case and a Wittnauer TD1393 movement. Thus you obtain a dream watch of a geek. Nicely strange. Although the design of the watch is quite weird, its mechanism is very complicated. One question: why try to make a complicated watch, spending a lot of time and money, so only the ones with the highest IQ could read the time - why not be simpler and wiser?

This watch model is called Otium. The designers worked really hard to make it less comfortable for the wearer to read the time. The watch looks simple, so simple that one could barely read the time. Probably this timepice, just like most weird watches, was designed more for the purpose of attracting people's attention with its unusual way of telling the time and less for functionality.

The Rotating Earth Watch looks nice, but it's won't be much of use neither for those who want to look stylish nor for the ones who just need to know what time is it. The watch includes a rotating planet Earth that makes a full rotation once every 24 hours. The watch was created by a team of Japanese designers and the manufacturing assistance was provided by Seiko Instruments.

This watch is useful for teaching its wearer how to tell the time. Maybe it would come in handy for children who are just starting to learn what time is and how do watches work. Not much could be said about this battery powered thing. Its main advantage is its classical design mixed with the application of modern technology. Just one question: AM or PM?

When the green thingy elapses it will be just the time to throw away this weird timepiece. It looks modern but its usefulness brings doubts. Designers used advanced technologies to create the watch, but it is still interesting to see the potential clients who are willing to buy it.

This watch is a mix of everything classic, modern and weird. It has a black leather strap, which makes it classic, it has a golden case with six windows through which one could see numbers, which make the watch modern and the whole design plus the time telling feature of the watch make it weird. The designers of this watch really overdone with originality - at least the numbers are visible.

This model looks like some sort of calculator. It's bracelet and case are made of stainless steel, which make the watch, one way or another, shock and water resistant. However, these are all the advantages that can be mentioned here since it would be difficult for one to guess the necessary buttons. Surely if the person is not lazy enough to read the instruction than he or she might consider opening the "one-thousand-pages book" and get acknowledged with all of the timepiece's features. So where is the "show me time" button?

This model has something common with discos - it looks more like an equalizer. The equalizer bounces up and down for some time and then it turns off. Afterwards the watch leaves two dots so one could read the time. After five seconds the party continues, since the watch turns the time off and starts bouncing on.


Nice view: deep in the fjOrds Of nOrway

Jangan Me‘Melayu’kan Orang Asli..

Posted on Monday, July 30 @ 05:56:58 MYT by SongkokPutih
Coretan @ Luahan
Oleh ibnuhasyim

" NAMANYA Hussein dan adiknya Hassan, macam cucu Nabi, katanya. Tapi beliau masih belum beragama Islam, walaupun kini sudah berumur kira-kira 56 tahun, dan memangku jawatan Tok Batin di Kampung Orang Asli Bukit Kala, Gombak Selangor. Kampung terdiri dari 2,500 orang penduduk 30% beragama Islam, 10% Kristian dan bakinya 60% lagi beragama ajaran nenek moyang orang Asli, iaitu ‘Anamisme’, atau disebut juga belum beragama..

“Walaupun nama encik Hussein bin Ngah Yin, macam nama cucu Nabi orang Islam tetapi encik masih belum menganut Islam? Bagaimana boleh jadi begitu?” Saya pernah tanya beliau sebelum ini.

“Bila kami (orang Asli) nak daftarkan anak kami di pejabat pendaftaran, orang pejabat itu cadangkan guna perkataan ‘bin atau binti’, walaupun kami bukan Islam. Orang kami pun memang suka nama yang digunakan oleh orang Melayu. Jadi orang kami pun pakai nama-nama Islam yang dipakai oleh orang-orang Melayu. Tak ada masalah!” Kata Hussein, berasal dari Kampung Orang Asli Ulu Chen Nien, Lasah Sungai Siput Utara, Perak, negeri tempat nama beliau didaftarkan. Isterinya bernama Ameh bt Amar dan mereka mempunyai 7 orang anak.

“Apa pandangan encik atau kaum encik mengenai agama selain dari agama nenek moyang encik sekarang? Tak kira le, Kristian ke, Islam ke..”

“Mengenai orang Asli yang beragama Kristian, mereka masuk Kristian kerana kebijaksanaan dan keupayaan penyampai mempersembahnya.. Itu saja. Tapi bila orang-orang kampung tanya pendapat aku, aku cadangkan supaya mereka pilih Islam, kerana Islam adalah agama rasmi negara, dan kebudayaan orang Asli lebih dekat dengan kebudayaan orang Melayu yang beragama Islam. Cuma aku tak setuju me‘Melayu’kan orang Asli melalui agama Islam.”

“Memelayukan orang Asli?”

“Kami tak mahu bangsa kami larut dalam bangsa Melayu, walaupun kita sama-sama bumiputera. Bahkan kami lebih lagi, dua kali bumiputera.. dan rupa paras pun hampir sama!!” Jawabnya sambil tertawa.

“Ada lagi ke masalah mengenai agama Islam??”

“Satu lagi masalah, penyampai-penyampai Islam menerangkan agama Islam dalam bahasa yang susah nak faham, walaupun mereka tu baik-baik belaka. Misalnya. Semasa saya naik teksi pergi ke Selayang, pemandu teksi itu menceritakan kisah dakwah kepada orang Asli. Orang Asli bertanya kepada seorang penceramah mengenai ‘ada’nya Tuhan. Penceramah itu jawab, ‘Tuhan itu wajib ada, mustahil tiada dan tidak menyerupai segala sesuatu denganNya’.

Orang Asli yang dengar jawapan itu makin tak faham, makin berbelit-belit... Dia akhirnya tanya lagi, ‘Ustaz, cakap betul-betul ustaz! Tuhan itu ade ke takde??’ Itulah contohnya.”

Beliau meneruskan katanya, “Memang ada orang-orang dari pejabat agama datang. Tapi mereka cuma datang mengIslamkan orang yang nak masuk Islam. Lepas masuk Islam, dah tak dengar berita lagi. Mana kelas fardhu ainnya, mana kelas muqaddamnya, mana buku-buku agama yang nak dibaca, mana ustaz-ustaz yang mengajar di kampung ini?? Kami juga ingin anak-anak kami masuk musabaqah baca Al-Qur’an..

Di kampung kami sekarang terdapat 42 orang ibu tunggal yang perlukan pembelaan. Mereka perlukan bimbingan untuk bangun dan maju dalam serba segi. Kami perlukan kursus-kursus motivasi dan bantuan khidmat nasihat untuk menjadi usahawan. Kami perlukan kelas-kelas pengajian agama, atau bantuan lanjutkan pelajaran walaupun keluar negara. Juga kami perlu apa-apa saranan dari perbagai pihak seperti jabatan agama, kementerian wanita, usahawan, badan-badan berkanun dan lain-lain yang dirasakan perlu..”

Mungkin itulah sebabnya, bila saya tanya mengenai kegiatan Islam (seperti dalam tulisan sebelum ini ‘Lelaki Asli, Tiup Seruling Dengan Hidung’ lihat ibnuhasyim. atau Tranungkite.Net 27-07-07), beliau macam melenting, nak luahkan sesuatu tentang JAIS dan JAKIM, nak minta tolong tuliskan dalam internet mengenai hal ini.

Akhirnya saya terus berbincang dengan beliau dan sama-sama membuat rumusan dan cadangan ringkas kepada pihak bertanggung jawab seperti JAIS (Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor) dan JAKIM (Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia).

Draf Cadangan: Percepatkan Orang Asli Masuk Agama Islam

Kami melihat perkembangan orang-orang Asli Malaysia lebih menjurus dan meminati agama Islam.. Juga di kawasan ini seolah-olah menjadi kawasan contoh atau pusat tumpuan bagi orang-orang Asli di seluruh Malaysia lebih-lebih lagi di bidang kesihatan..

Maka saya sebagai sebahagian dari orang Asli Malaysia, mewakili Kampung Orang Asli Bukit Kala, Gombak Selangor dan kampung-kampung sekitarnya, memohon jasa baik jabatan yang berkaitan dengan Agama Islam di Malaysia seperti JAIS, JAKIM dan lain-lain atau badan kebajikan seperti ABIM, PERKIM dan lain-lain, supaya memberi perhatian lebih berat serta mengambil tindakan sewajarnya kepada kami.

  1. Mengadakan kursus pemahaman Islam secara teori dan praktikal di tempat kami yang masih belum Islam dan yang telah Islam secara berterusan samada setiap minggu atau bulan seperti pelajaran muqaddam, pertandingan membaca Al-Qur’an, belajar bahasa Arab, dan ilmu-ilmu Islam yang lain.

  1. Memilih dan menghantar anak-anak kami berkursus di dalam dan di luar negara dengan percuma samada di bidang agama atau lain-lain yang bersesuaian dengan kehendak Islam, samada bidang agama, ekonomi, usahawan dan lain-lain.

  1. Mengagihkan wang zakat kepada orang-orang Asli yang layak menerimanya (8 kumpulan yang layak menerima zakat seperti fakir, miskin, muallaf, musafir, jihad sabilillah, orang berhutang, amil dan sebagainya yang terdapat di kalangan orang-orang Asli) atau memberi kursus-kursus haji kepada layak dan meminatinya.

  1. Projek anak angkat di kalangan anak-anak orang Asli.

Itulah antara cadangan-cadangan dan program-program yang boleh mempercepatkan supaya orang-orang Asli memilih agama Islam, yang menjadi Agama Rasmi bagi negara ini. Kita boleh sama-sama perincikan lagi program-program tersebut dari masa ke masa.

Cadangan asal oleh Hussein bin Ngah Yin, pemangku Tok Batin Bukit Kala.

Alamat: Kampung Orang Asli Bukit Kala, Kilometer 24, Gombak, Selangor.

Dipanjangkan oleh Ibnu Hasyim.

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