
27 June, 2007

Complicated Name

kisah benar dari penjara sg. buluh

Malam tadi bertempat di Surau Jenaris aku telah menghadiri satu forum
perdana sempena Maulidur Rasul. Ahli panel terdiri dari Uts Halim Din,
Raihan &
Utszh Dr. Sharifah Noor Hayati. Memang menarik kupasan ketiga3 ahli
panel yg bijaksana tu. Ttg keperibadian rasulullah yg mulia itu yg
menjadi ikutan kita semua.

Di penghujung rancangan tersebut salah seorang utz kalau tak silap aku
utz halim din telah menceritakan sebuah kisah yg berlaku di penjara sg.
Sebuah kisah benar. Mengikut cerita beliau, semasa beliau habis memberi
ceramah agama pd banduan2 di sana, Pengarah Penjara telah berjumpa dgn
beliau dan menceritakan pd beliau ttg seorang banduan yg bernama AMIN
iaitu ketua kumpulan Al-Mau'una yg didapati bersalah kerana melancarkan
perang kepada Yg Dipertua Agong. Amin dijatuhi hukuman gantung sampai

Apa yg manarik ialah peribadi si Amin ini. Beliau seorang yg berdisplin,
kuat beramal, mengaji quran, solat malam dan baik dikalangan sesama
banduan lain.
Pendek kata banduan yg tiada bermasalah.

Seminggu sebelum dia digantung, pengarah penjara telah menziarahi sel
beliau dan terkejut kerana terdapat bau yg harum. Bau itu tak hilang
walaupun beliau telah pulang ke rumah bau harum itu masih melekat pd

Mengikut ceritanya lagi, pd mlm sebelum dia digantung, dia berpesan
supaya dikejutkan pada jam 4.00 pagi. Dia digantung pada subuh pagi
Pada mlm sebelum dia digantung, didapati Si Amin ini tidur begitu lena
seolah2 tiada apa2 akan berlaku pd pg esoknya sedangkan dia akan dihukum
gantung pada pg esok. Bayangkan kalau org nak kena gantung pg esok,
mesti gelisah dan mesti tak boleh tidur punya.

Bila tepat jam 4.00 pg, Amin ini pun dikejutkan, dia terus beramal,
solat taubat, tahajud, mengaji dan sujud syukur dan dia berpesan supaya
dibawa ke tali gantung ketika dia sedang sujud syukur.

Ketika Amin sedang sujud pd masa itulah dia dibawa ke tali gantung. Bila
tiba masa hendak digantung, tiba2 Amin ini pengsan dan tidak sedarkan
semakin suntuk dan Amin harus digantung ketika itu juga, maka kepala dia
ditutup dgn kain hitam dan hukuman pun dijalankan.

Agak pelik ketika itu kerana hukuman gantung tersebut seperti
menggantung anak patung yg tidak bernyawa, tiada pergerakan, tiada
jeritan. Didapati juga selipar jepun yg dipakai oleh Amin masih melekat
pd kakinya, begitu juga tasbih masih tidak terlepas dari tangan.

Apabila janazah Amin dibuka penutup muka didapati lidah tidak terjelir
keluar spt kebiasaan mereka yg digantung. Tangan spt org dlm solat dgn
jari telunjuk spt membaca tahiyat akhir. Subhanallah. ......... mungkin
Allah sudah mengambil nyawanya dulu sebelum digantung... ...

Begitulah kebesaran Allah yg memberi Rahmat kepada hamba2 nya soleh dan
sentiasa bertaubat. Mungkin ini satu petunjuk dari ALLAH kpd kita semua.

Inilah kisah yg diceritakan semula oleh Ustaz tersebut.


Tropical giant penguin discovered

Penguin A giant penguin that preferred the tropics to the southern oceans has been discovered by a team of scientists. The fossilised remains of the animal, which lived some 36 million years ago, were found in what is today Peru.

At 1.5m (5ft) tall, the penguin looked quite different from its modern-day cousins, a report in PNAS journal says.

It had a long protracted skull and what its discoverers are describing as a grossly elongated beak that was spear-like in appearance.

The Icadyptes salasi penguin would dwarf all the penguins who walk the planet today. It would have stood head and shoulders over the emperor and the king penguins of the southern seas.

Its well-preserved skeleton was discovered in the Department of Ica on the southern coast of Peru along with the remains of as many as four other previously undiscovered penguin species, all of which appear to have preferred the tropics for colder climes.

Indeed, the Icadyptes appears to have lived happily at such warmer latitudes at a time when world temperatures were much hotter than they are today - and long before anyone thought penguins had reached such low latitudes.

Source: BBC


Siapa mau bole bikin…bagi saya satu gelas...he...he..he

Carrot + Ginger + Apple - Boost and cleanse our system.

Apple + Cucumber + Celery - Prevent cancer, reduce cholestrol, and improve stomach upset and headache.
Tomato + Carrot + Apple - Improve skin complexion and bad breath.
Bitter gourd + Apple + Milk - Avoid bad breath and reduce internal body heat.
Orange + Ginger + Cucumber - Improve Skin texture and moisture and reduce bodu heat.
Pineapple + Apple + Watermelon - To dispel excess salts, nourishes the bladder and kidney.
Apple + Cucumber + Kiwi - To improve skin complexion.
Pear & Banana - To regulates sugar content.
Carrot + Apple + Pear + Mango - Clear body heat, counteracts toxicity, decreased blood pressure and fight oxidization.
Honeydew + Grape + Watermelon + Milk - Rich in vitamin C + Vitamin B2 that increase cell activity and strengthen body immunity.
Papaya + Pineapple + Milk - Rich in vitamin C, E, Iron. Improve skin complexion and metabolism.
Banana + Pineapple + Milk - Rich in vitamin with nutritious and prevent constipation.

Architectual Digest Visit John Travolta Mansion

Hotdog eating champion gets jaw arthritis

A Japanese man who set a world record by wolfing down 53 hot dogs in 12 minutes has suffered a severe jaw injury due to his rigorous training, making his next title uncertain.

Takeru 'Tsunami' said he can only open his mouth to make a gap the size of a fingertip after being diagnosed with jaw arthritis.

The injury occurred only a week after the slender 29-year-old started training to win his sixth straight title at the annual July 4 Nathan's Famous Hot Dog Eating contest on New York's Coney Island. Link

Baby Given 25 Middle Names - All Boxers

A mother has given her new baby daughter 25 middle names - all famous boxers. Her full name is: Autumn Sullivan Corbett Fitzsimmons Jeffries Hart Burns Johnson Willard Dempsey Tunney Schmeling Sharkey Carnera Baer Braddock Louis Charles Walcott Marciano Patterson Johansson Liston Clay Frazier Foreman Brown.

The child's mother said she gave them all those names because her parents "are obsessed with boxing and have a bit of a daft sense of humour". Link

Paris Hilton is free

3rd-Century Man Preserved in Salt

Salt Man During the Roman Empire period, just after the fall of Parthia, a salt mine worker from northwestern Iran lost his life following a catastrophic rock collapse. Approximately 1,800 years later, the man's body -- preserved in salt -- was discovered in the very spot where he died, according to recent Iranian news service accounts and to a report issued by the Circle of Ancient Iranian Studies.

Since salt prevents bacterial growth and acts as a drying agent, the unfortunate accident victim became a rare natural mummy. He is the sixth "salt man" to be found at the Chehr Abad mine in Zanjan province.

Link & Image: Discovery Channel

A car on a chair

Elusive Egyptian queen found at last

Mummy The centuries-old search for the mummy of Queen Hatshepsut, the only woman to have reigned as a pharaoh in Egypt, may finally have ended -- in a Cairo museum.

Hatshepsut, daughter of Pharaoh Tuthmosis I who ruled from 1504-1484 BC, was one of the most powerful female monarchs of the ancient world.

Soon after her death, her monuments and tomb were demolished by her jealous successor Tuthmosis III and her mummy was thought to be lost forever.

According to US-based Discovery Channel, Egypt's antiquities supremo Zahi Hawass will announce at a media conference in Cairo on Wednesday "the most important find in Egypt's Valley of the Kings since the discovery of Tutankhamun" in 1922.

Link & Image: Yahoo News

World's oldest herdsman

Li Xicai An man in China is claiming to be the world's oldest herdsman - at 107 years-old.

Li Xicai, from mountainous Kuangshi village, Ankang city, has been herding animals all his life.

"He was born in 1900, and started herding for landlords, then for the village after the revolution, and now for his family," says his youngest son, Li Zaiming.

He says he doesn't want his father to herd anymore at his age, but his father says herding has become part of his life and he can't break the habit.

These days Li Xicai still herds bulls in the Qinba mountains every day, reports Huashang Daily.

Link & Image: Ananova
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