Streamyx customer service |ISUHANGAT function replace_date(d){ var da = d.split(' '); day = ""+da[2].replace(/,/,"")+""; month = ""+da[1].slice(0,3)+""; document.write(day+month); }

Staff : "Selamat pagi, Telekom. Saya xyz sedia membantu."

User : "Selamat pagi, I want to report a faulty phone line."

Staff : "Can I have the number of that line please?"

User : "Sure... 4012xxxx."

Staff : *Check* *check* "Hmm... The line is a Streamyx line?"

User : "That's right!"

Staff : "Now, in order for us to work on your problem more efficiently, we need your Streamyx login name and password."

User : "Are you sure? Do you really need my password?"

Staff : "Yup, we need your password. We are instructed to request for your password."

User : "Oh well, I hope you won't misuse it."

Staff : "Don't worry, we are not going to misuse it."

User : "Okay, the password is capital t, e, l, e, k, o, m, capital m, a, n, y, a, k, capital b, o, d, o and h."

Staff : "What? You must be joking. Your password is TelekomManyakBodoh?"

User : "Yup, since my friend told me you will ask for it, I changed it just before I call you."

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