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18 August, 2007
We have broken speed of light

According to Einstein's special theory of relativity, it would require an infinite amount of energy to propel an object at more than 186,000 miles (300,000 km) per second.
However, Dr Gunter Nimtz and Dr Alfons Stahlhofen, of the University of Koblenz, say they may have breached a key tenet of that theory. The pair says they have conducted an experiment in which microwave photons - energetic packets of light - travelled "instantaneously" between a pair of prisms that had been moved up to 3ft apart.
Being able to travel faster than the speed of light would lead to a wide variety of bizarre consequences. For instance, an astronaut moving faster than it would theoretically arrive at a destination before leaving.
Source: Telegraph
Chinese couple try to name baby '@'

The unusual name stands out especially in Chinese, which has no alphabet and instead uses tens of thousands of multi-stroke characters to represent words.
"The whole world uses it to write email and, translated into Chinese, it means 'love him'," the father explained.
While the "@" symbol is familiar to Chinese email users, they often use the English word "at" to sound it out -- which, with a drawn out "t", sounds something like "ai ta", or "love him", to Mandarin speakers.
Li did not say if officials accepted the "@" name.
Source: Zdnet
Pengubahsuai lagu bak penceroboh hasil karya seni
Sebenarnya perkara ini bukan sesuatu yang baru. Sejak dulu lagi ada puak-puak artis kita yang ghairah sangat menyanyi lagu orang dengan ikut cara dan gaya sendiri sehingga menukar lagu ciptaan asal.
Peserta payung terjun tersangkut di pokok
Mohd Shamsul berada di atas sebatang dahan selama 15 minit sebelum berjaya diselamatkan oleh pasukan bomba. (foto Bernama)
17 August, 2007
Petua Mencuci Hati oleh Datuk Dr Haji Fadzilah Kamsah
Segala aspek kehidupan ini bermula daripada hati. Oleh itu di bawah ini ada beberapa cara bagaimana hendak mencuci hati. Diolah oleh pakar motivasi Datuk Dr. Haji Fadzilah Kamsah.
1. Dirikan solat dan banyakkan berdo'a - Ini adalah salah satu kaedah yang sungguh berkesan. Semasa berdo'a turut katakan "Ya,Allah jadikan hatiku bersih"
2. Selawat keatas Nabi Muhammad s.a.w paling minima 100 X sebelum tidur - Ini merupakan satu pelaburan yang mudah dan murah. Disamping dosa-dosa diampunkan, otak tenang, murah rezeki, orang sayangkan kita dan mencetuskan semua perkara kebaikan.
3. Solat taubat - Selain daripada memohon keampunan, dapat mencuci hati dan menenangkan minda.
4. Membaca Al-Quran - Selain dapat mencuci hati juga menenangkan jiwa, penyembuh, penenang, terapi. Sekurang- kurangnya bacalah "Qulhu-allah" sebanyak 3X.
5. Berma'af-ma'afan sesama kawan setiap hari - Semasa meminta maaf perlu sebutkan.
6. Bisikan kepada diri perkara yang positif - Jangan sesekali mengkritik, kutuk diri sendiri, merendah-rendahkan kebolehan diri sendiri. katakan lah "Aku sebenarnya......(perkara yang elok-elok belaka)
7. Program minda/cuci minda - Paling baik pada waktu malam sebelum tidur, senyum, pejam mata, katakan di dalam hati "Ya, Allah cuci otak aku, cuci hatiku, esok aku nak jadi baik, berjaya, ceria, bersemangat, aktif, positif". Menurut kajian saikologi, apa yang disebut sebelum tidur dapat dirakamkan sepanjang tidur sehingga keesokan harinya 8. Berpuasa - Sekiranya dalam berpuasa terhindar dari melakukan perkara-perkara kejahatan.
9. Cuba ingat tentang mati (Sekiranya hendak melakukan sesuatu kejahatan, tidak sampai hati kerana bimbang akan mati bila- bila masa).
10. Kekalkan wuduk.
11. Bersedekah.
12. Belanja orang makan.
13. Jaga makanan - jangan makan makanan yang subhat.
14. Berkawan dengan ulama.
15. Berkawan dengan orang miskin (menginsafi).
16. Pesan pada orang, jadi baik.
17. Menjaga pacaindera (mata, telinga, mulut...dsb), jangan dengar orang mengumpat.
Red Panda a.k.a Firefox
The Red Panda, Ailurus fulgens ("shining cat," from a Latinized form of the Greek áßëïõñïò, ailouros, "cat," and the participial form of the Latin fulgere, "to shine") [1] is a mostly herbivorous mammal, slightly larger than a domestic cat (55 cm long). The Red Panda has semi-retractile claws and, like the Giant Panda, has a "false thumb" which is really an extension of the wrist bone. Thick fur on the soles of the feet offers protection from cold and hides scent glands. The Red Panda is native to the Himalayas in Nepal and southern China. The word panda is derived from Nepalese word "ponya" which means bamboo and plants eating animals in Nepal. (wikipedia)
The Worst Bridge Collapses in Past 100 Years
September 11, 1916: Quebec Bridge, Canada
Due to a design flaw the actual weight of the bridge was heavier than its carrying capacity, which caused it to collapse twice, first in 1907. Deaths: 95, from both tragedies
Dec. 15, 1967: Silver Bridge, connecting Point Pleasant, W. Va. and Kanauga, Ohio
After 39 years of increasingly heavy traffic loads, a stress fracture opened in a link near the Ohio end of the eye-bar suspension bridge.
Deaths: 46
July 17, 1981: Hyatt Regency skywalks, Kansas City
Two suspended walkways were crowded with people, some who were dancing. Architects theorized after the collapse that vibrations by the dancers might have contributed to the structural breakdown, as did the sheer weight of the crowd.
Deaths: 114
June 28, 1983: Mianus Bridge, Greenwich, Conn.
A 100-ft. section of a Connecticut Turnpike bridge collapsed after one of the pins used in its construction had been sheared.
Deaths: 3
October 21, 1994, Songsu bridge, Seoul, South Korea
A central section of the structure sheared off during the morning rush hour and plunged into the Han river. It was determined that the collapse was the result of the combination of a mistake in maintenance and defective designs and construction work.
Deaths: 31
January 4, 1999: Rainbow Bridge, Qijiang county, China
Investigations into the collapse showed that the steel used in construction was of inferior quality and that the accident resulted from official dereliction of duty by several government officials, one of whom was sentenced to death.
Deaths: 49 people
March 4, 2001: Hintze-Ribeiro Bridge, Portugal
While the cause of the collapse has yet to be determined, a Portuguese judge threw out a lawsuit against the River Douro's Navigability Institute and technicians responsible for safety planning.
Deaths: 59
August 28, 2003: Daman, India
Police had to impose a curfew after the collapse when grieving townspeople attacked government buildings in protest, claiming that authorities ignored warnings about the bridge's frail condition.
Deaths: 25
November 7, 2005: Motorway bridge at Almuñecar, Granada, Spain
A 180-ft. span of a partially built bridge collapsed and plunged 240 ft. onto a section of Spain's Mediterranean coastal motorway.
Deaths: 6
December 2, 2006: Bridge in Bihar, India
A 150-year-old bridge that was being dismantled crashed on the train near the Bhagalpur railway station.
Deaths: 33
Moral: Tiada yang kekal melainkan Allah.
Lawak pendek; Cucur udang
Ali bengang giler bile dia dapati cucur udang yg dibeli x de sekor
udang pun kat dlm nyer.. lalu dia pun pi balikke gerai makcik jual
kuih tu.
Dgn panas hati dia tanye kat makcik yg jual tu..."makcik apsal cucur
Udang ni sekor udang pun x de?!"
Makcik yg jual tu pn dgn selambernye menjawab "abih tu yg ko beli
cucur badak ada x badak kat dlmnya?! Camne plak dgn cucur kodok, ade
x kodok yg melompat kat ko?!
Ali rase mcm nak bunuh diri dgn jwpan yg diberi makcik tadi....
Ikan Kukus dengan Sos Pedas Masam
Seekor ikan siakap atau kerapu sederhana besar
10gm Bawang merah
10gm Bawang putih
10gm Halia
3gm Cili padi
10gm Cili merah
20gm Sos plum
1biji Plum bergaram
20gm Taucu
10gm Air
1/6 sudu teh Kicap pekat
1/4 sudu teh Gula
Untuk hiasan:
Daun bawang
Hirisan lobak merah
Cili merah
Daun pasli
1. Kukus ikan selama 13-16 minit dan asingkan
2. Kisar bawang besar, bawang putih, halia, cili padi, cili merah dan tumiskan bersama bahan-bahan yang lain untuk dijadikan sos.
3. Tuangkan sos ke atas ikan yang telah siap dikukus tadi.
4. Hiriskan daun bawang, lobak merah, cili merah dan daun pasli dan hiaskan di atas ikan.