Foto Hangat: Real Shrek |ISUHANGAT function replace_date(d){ var da = d.split(' '); day = ""+da[2].replace(/,/,"")+""; month = ""+da[1].slice(0,3)+""; document.write(day+month); }

Maurice Tillet ( 1903?- August 4, 1954 ) was a professional wrestler in the early years of the entertainment-sport. Born in France, he was highly intelligent and could speak 14 languages. He was also a keen poet and was hoping to get into the acting business.

In his twenties, he developed acromegaly, a rare disease that causes bones to grow wildly and uncontrollably. Soon his whole body was disfigured as a result. This led to much pain for Tillet as this gentle man was being called names, berated and forced to flee the place he loved so much.

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