
26 April, 2007

Isu Hangat: Bukit Bintang Toilet Review

Hi, remember the earlier email on the above when it is being opened. Now, read the review. Have a good laugh!!!

As part of an initiative to make the city more favourable towards tourists, a series of state-of-the-art automated public toilets were recently introduced at several tourist hot spots around KL city.

These new public toilets came to light not without some controversy. Some people like them, some people think those money can be better spent somewhere else. At RM400,000 a pop, these toilets are even more expensive than the houses most of us live in.

But hey, it's not like the authorities care anyway. The toilets have been built already and if you don't like them, you can go (shit) sit somewhere else.

Our country's top officials are obviously proud of these toilets. On the toilets' opening ceremony, even our Deputy Prime Minister came along in his sleek black limo to officiate the opening.

When it comes to opening ceremonies, people always like to perform a symbolic action to mark its opening. Some people cut ribbons, others plant trees or hit gongs.

You gotta wonder, what symbolic action our Deputy Prime Minister did to make the opening of these toilets official? Did he urinate to officiate?

These toilets cost 20 cents to use. In other words, they need at least 2 million people to piss in each of these toilets just to breakeven financially.

There's a coin slot by door for you to put the money in. These are pretty similar to those soft drink vending machines. Except with vending machines, you put in the coin in and stuff comes out of it - for you.

With these toilets, you put the coin in and stuff comes out of you.

The inside of the public toilets look mighty impressive. Unlike the public toilets we are used to, these ones are extremely clean. They are so clean, they make our hawker food stalls look dirty.

Only in Malaysia can you find places you shit cleaner than the places you eat.

I mean, there's even an aircond inside the toilet! Finally, someone has acknowledged that chucking a shit is actually pretty tough work.

The most amusing of all, must be the warning signboard inside the RM400,000 toilet.

There's this symbol that says "No Diving Allowed."

Then there's the standard "No Eating and Drinking Allowed"

I don't know about you, but I'm not sure about the kinda food they serve in public toilets. Chocolate cakes, anyone?
But one thing that caught my attention though, was this warning.

The last thing you wanna happen when you're happily taking a dump, is for the door to automatically open and have the busy crowd at Bukit Bintang catch an eyeful of you.
Doing this.

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