
05 April, 2007

Isu Hangat:FreeHand Gives Your Hand a Pocket

Published: Wednesday, April 4, 2007 5:46:45 PM
Headline: FreeHand Gives Your Hand a Pocket

Spring is here, it's warming up everywhere—well, almost—and you know what that means? There's great running weather, and you'll have fewer pockets. That's where FreeHand can give you a hand. It's a pocket for the back of your hand. Of course using such a convenience would mean actually leaving your house. Indeed, there is a whole world out there.

Store your credit cards, money, your cellphone or your iPod in there, always at the ready and right at your fingertips. Might be perfect for that pesky Motorola Q, whose buttons keep getting accidentally pressed while riding in a pocket, calling that same poor soul over and over again. Solving that problem alone would make it worth the $22 purchase price. – Charlie White

Update: Or I could just press and hold the Home button on the Q. That would lock it. Still, it's a pain in the arse doing that all day.

Product Page [Venture Design Works]

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