
14 May, 2007

Foto Hangat: Beauties Of Tehran

Upscale apartment complex - Tehran
The affluent parts of Northern Tehran boast luxury apartment buildings
and condominiums featuring such amenities as "White Glove" doorman service
with pools, jaccuzzis and private garages in the flat !!!!
(You drive the car into the elevator and it will deliver your car up to your own private garage next to your flat)
Real Estate prices in Tehran have in the last couple of years reached levels
that are comparable to New York City . It's not uncommon to see a two to three-bedroom apartment in Tehran going for more than $1,000,000 on the market today.
On the other hand, few investments in the world offer such fast and generous returns.

Evin - Tehran

Emam Hussein Metro station - Tehran

Modarres Freeway

Sculpture in a park - Tehran

Park Way - Tehran

It's amazing how clean Tehran's park ways are!
Not one piece of paper or trash is tolerated here.
The project of keeping the highways and certain areas of Tehran sparkling clean
is an around-the-clock task. Many Tehranis have also developed a zealousy of keeping their city clean. A friend of mine told me of an incident where a lady admonished him
for throwing a match in the street. When he told the lady that it was just a match
a piece of wood - she replied by saying "My dear, can you imagine what Tehran would look like if each of its 15 million inhabitants would think like you?"

Iranian Parliament

Tirajeh Shopping Center - Tehran

Laal Tower - Tehran

Model of Laal Tower in Tehran which should be completed by now
Jahanshahr Karaj - Near Tehran

Tehran winter landscape

North-Western Tehran

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