
17 May, 2007

Isu Hangat : Pertandingan Osom

Nurse wins £25k rock, paper, scissors title

A male nurse from Texas won £25,000 after winning the final of the US Rock Paper Scissors Tournament.

Jaime Langridge, from Odessa, beat more than 300 contestants to the title, reports The Times.

Contestants in the US Rock Paper Scissors Tournament /EXT

The pre-tournament favourite, Antonie "Shears" Maanum, was eliminated despite trying to put off opponents by wearing a red silk boxing gown.

Paramedics were on hand in case of "wrist or shoulder dislocations", while each bout took place under trained referees.

Fouls include the vertical paper throw, known as "the handshake", illegal because it resembles scissors - as well as the horizontal scissors throw, outlawed for the opposite reason.

The game, traditionally a way of settling playground disputes, is on the cusp of recognition as a global sport.

Matti Leshem, the national league's commissioner, has petitioned the International Olympic Committee to make it an event. Now he wants to bring "the greatest competition ever to sweep the USA" to Britain.

"This is a sport that creates harmony," he says. "I want to set up the RPS Foundation to promote this sport as a simple method of conflict resolution."

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