
04 May, 2007

Sengal Gusi: Crying baby contest with sumo wrestlers

Crying baby contest with sumo wrestlers

Mainichi Daily News has this gallery
of a hilarious crying baby contest held in Tokyo. They had 84 babies there, all born in 2006, and the winner would the one who cried the loudest. And what did they call it?

Naki Sumo, or, "Crying Sumo".

Doesn't make sense since the Sumo guys aren't crying. It makes as much sense as the rest of it.

The event is supposed to be a sort of prayer for the baby's health and growth, and I suppose you want to get the biggest guys out there to really show them their ideal, get the whole growth thing started.

Be happy with what you have
while working for what you want
Remember, a happy and successful life
begins with Allah and end with Allah ...

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