
09 December, 2007

Proton In UK

Here is a letter sent in by Kumaresan Balakrishnan, a student from Johor Bahru currently studying in the UK. He shares with us a little about Proton cars in the UK. I am a student originally from Johor Bahru, now at the Hull University Business School, doing Marketing and Logistics. I have pictures of UK police Waja fleet. The Humberside Police in Yorkshire have a fleet 90% comprising of Wiras, and Wajas, and their plainclothes police drive GEN2's. Protons are extremely popular in Hull. I see many of them while walking to University from my house. Also, 50% of the taxi's in Hull are Protons. Hull is the 7th largest city in England. I have spoken to Proton owners here and they have nothing but praise for the vehicle, which I found unbelievable judging by the amount of problems my mum's Waja has been giving her. While taking a picture of the front of a police Waja, I was caught by the policeman who was using the vehicle. He had just returned from buying a sandwich at Subway. After explaining to him why I was doing it he kindly allowed me to open the door and take a picture of the dashboard, but he was a bit shy and declined to let me take a picture of the car with him in it. Everybody I ask seems to love their Protons here. Very, very, very strange for a person like me to hear such comments. I wonder if the quality control of export-bound Protons really are that much better.

Proton In UK

Proton In UK

Proton In UK

Proton In UK

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