
24 August, 2007

Berpuasa sunat pada hari Jumaat

Is it allowed to fast on a Friday?
Fundamentally, it is permissible to voluntarily fast on any day besides the two days of Eid and the three succeeding days of Eid ul Adh-haa. However, if one wishes to fast only on Fridays then this should be avoided. Yes, he may either add a day before or after it.

Sayyiduna Abu Hurairah Radhiallahu Anhu reported Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam as saying: “None of you may fast on a Friday except that he either fasts before it or after it (another day)”. [Mishkaat Pg. 179 – Muttafaq Alaih & Fataawa Mahmoodiyyah Vol. 11 Pg. 108]

Hence, it is quite clear from the aforementioned Hadeeth that if one wishes to fast on Fridays then he may do so by either fasting together with it a day before or after. He should not merely keep the Friday fast.

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