This one can make a complete fool of ya'. Good luck. After you have thought about this for a while, pass it on to those poor unsuspecting friends you just love to pull something over on.
Pick one of the following cards. Don 't click on it; just keep it in your head.
scroll down when you have your card,
Think about your card for 20 seconds. I will attempt to read your mind!
Scroll down after 20 Seconds
I Has Removed Your Card!
mmg la xde...udah kad yg awal tadi dh dibuang..nombor sama..tapi daunnya dh lain..tah pe2 tah...
Itulah dinamakan silap mata. Abih ingat real ker? huhuhu
Hmm nasib baik aku baca komen ni, kalau tidak hidup2 kena tipu. Siot betul.
Ingatkan magic betul tadi...hahaha tapi mmg best blalang. Aku tunjukkan kat office mate aku pun terkena juga hahaha
Tak ada unsur silap mata pun..
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