
31 March, 2007

Info Hangat : Email SCAM

DIbwah ini contoh email penipuan dari Afrika, so berhati-hati, jangan terpedaya..!

From: Dr. Smith Mbani.
Department of Mineral Resources,
Republic of South Africa


It is my great pleasure to write you this letter on behalf of my
Your information was given to me by a member of the South African
Export Promotion Council (SAEPC) who was with the Government delegation on a
trip to overseas country for bilateral conference talks to encourage foreign
I have decided to seek a confidential co-operation with you in the
execution of the deal hereunder for the benefit of all parties and hope you will
keep it confidential because of the nature of this business.

Within the Department of Minerals & Energy where I work as a Director
of Audit and Project Implementation and with the co-operation of three
other top officials, we have in our possession an overdue payment in US Dollar
funds. The said funds represent certain percentage of the total contract value executed on behalf of my Department by a foreign contracting firm, which we the
officials over-invoiced to the amount of US$28.500,000.00 (Twenty Eight Million
Five Hundred Thousand US Dollars).
Though the actual contract cost has been paid to the original
contractor,leaving the excess balance unclaimed.

Since the present Government is determined to pay all foreign
contractor's debts owed in order to maintain good relationship with
foreign governments and non-governmental agencies. We intend to include our
bills for approvals with the Department of Finance and the Contracts Award and
Payments Committee. So we are seeking your assistance to front as beneficiary of
the unclaimed funds, since we are not allowed to operate foreign accounts.
Details and change of beneficiary information upon application for claim to reflect payment and approvals will be secured on behalf of you/your company.

I have the authority of my partners involved to propose that should you
be willing to assist us in this transaction your share as compensation
will be so negotiated and agreed upon by both you and we on this side,
before further details will change hands to enhance our primary objective. The
mode of sharing after a successful transfer of the money into your account,
shall be 70% to my colleagues and I, for the role you will be expected
to play in this deal, we have agreed to give you 25% of the total sum and
5% for the expenses we are going to encounter by the two parties at the
course of this transaction.

The business is completely safe and secure, provided you treat it with
utmost confidentiality. It does not matter whether you/your company does
contract projects as a transfer of powers will be secured in favor of you/your
company to settle any legality. Also, your area of specialization is not a
hindrance to the successful execution of this transaction. I have reposed my confidence in you and hope that you will not disappoint us.

I expect your urgent response to enable us conclude this transaction
urgently without any hitch. Kindly notify me via my email for further details
upon your acceptance of this proposal.

Thanks for your co-operation.


Dr. Smith Mbani

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