
15 August, 2007

Life Beneath Antarctic Ice

Antarctica Ice Flow Underwater Photography Sea Life

Sleek Swimmers
A group of Emperor penguins darts in the water. Emperors can dive to 600m and stay underwater for 20 minutes.

Antarctica Ice Flow Underwater Photography Sea Life

Ghost of the Sea
A scyphomedusa, the largest plankton in the area, has tentacles over 9m in length and its bell can reach over 1m in diameter.

Antarctica Ice Flow Underwater Photography Sea Life

Fast Ice
An ice edge goes on for miles.

Antarctica Ice Flow Underwater Photography Sea Life

When Starfish Attack
The omnivorous Odontaster validus, or red star, feeds on another sea star species, the larger Acodontaster conspicuus.

Antarctica Ice Flow Underwater Photography Sea Life

Room with a View
A diver explores the surreal underwater landscape of boulders, ice and sea urchins in Granite Harbor.

Antarctica Ice Flow Underwater Photography Sea Life

Don't Touch
The helmet jelly is the most abundant scyphomedusa found in deep water.

Antarctica Ice Flow Underwater Photography Sea Life

Free Passage
Orcas sprint along a channel which has opened in the ice. They are headed deep into McMurdo Sound, where they hope to find food. They must hurry, however, for wind conditions can cause the channel to freeze again, cutting off the whales' access to air.

Antarctica Ice Flow Underwater Photography Sea Life

Life Abounds
An ice cave near a breathing hole is filled with creatures that feed on seal feces.

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