
17 June, 2007

Paypal is working again - What a Relieve

Malaysian Paypal users cannot accept any payments since 10th May 2007. Paypal requires entering a U.S. Bank Account in order to accept payments. Many suspect and thought that it is a change of policy for Malaysia. It turned out to be a false alarm. It is a technical glitch afterall and they finally rectify it after fifteen long days. Everything is back to normal now.


When you have payment and clicked to accept it, you are brought to the familiar page where you have a choice of Accept Payment But Don’t Add a Bank Account Now. Click Submit and the next screen appears.


Malaysian Paypal users are not discriminated after all. However, this episode has proven that many Malaysians find it hard to go the right way during time of crisis. Some has gone to the extend of entering a fake U.S. Bank account number in order to accept payment during the period of technical glitch.

It is this group of people that gives Malaysia a bad name in the eye of the world. Shame on you!


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