
21 June, 2007

Siti dan koleksi begnya

Huyoo.... Kagum2

Sejarah nya…. Bag nie baru sahaja diperagakan last March during Paris Fashion Week for Fall/Winter 2006 collection. I mcm xbole bayangkan macam mana Siti bole dapat jugak order bag nie. I macam lagi xpercaya die dpt jugak beli bag nie daripada percaya die dah kawin ngan datuk K!! she must hav made a special order in starhill & they directly paged the Paris boutique to give her special advantage.and LV paris must hav called sumone on datuk K's side to confirm on the purchase of the bag. Relatively, LV paris mmg dah ada record on siti or datuk K sbb LV Paris will never authorize any limited editions bags to be sold to just anyone!!! [ada banyak jer limited edition…tapi limited edition collection yer akak2 semua. This one is a limited edition bag; they don't get featured in any collection. Theyre just there!!!oh…fabolous! !!] after all, bag nie xbyk pon kat dlm dunia, so LV Paris will never let just anybody to buy the bag…they must be someone!!!!

This bag retails in the US for usd10 000+ yer puan puan [yea, mari telan air liur semua orang]. Tapi disebabkan bag nie teramatlah grand nyer, skarang dah dijual in ebay for usd 15 995!!! [appreciate usd6000 ok!] so, who said buying LV is not an investment??

bag nie sebenarnya tribute to elvis presley. Dats y uolls akan nampak batu2 bijik besar2 kat atas tue macam baju elvis katanya. Tak sama macam batu emas zhulian walaupun seakan-akan u all. Bag nie ade macam2 kulit. Kulit buaya, lembu semua. Tapi babi xderlaa. Literally, bag nie disahkan HALAL. Kulit ditenun corak bunga2 [bunga LV I kata] menggunakan benang emas. Ditepi bag di jahit dgn bulu pony [bukan bulu ayam mahupun bulu ari-ari]. Satu bag ader 96 bijik batu2 zhulian tue and all of them diletakkan carefully menggunakan tangan [maknanya tak guna machine laa eventho machine is handled by hands as well~d'oh]"

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