
09 July, 2007

Cell Phone Explodes and Burns Off Owner's Nipple

You often hear of stories how a cell phone can harm people who have heart problems and use pacemakers or that there is radiation in the airwaves that effect the brain. Rarely do you actually consider your cell phone would explode on you.

That is exactly what happened to poor Cai.

"Right after I powered on the cell phone and pressed the button it exploded. My nipple got burned so badly from the explosion".

20 year-old Cai paid $50 for a second hand cell phone and followed the instruction that the battery needs to be fully charged before use.

Next morning he got out the bed, couldn't wait to try out his new toy, right after he powered on and he began to press a few buttons, it exploded.

Cai wasn't wearing any clothing at the time, his left chest got badly burned including his nipple. The cell phone was some "Made in China" local brand with cheap quality and the battery wasn't even safety certified. Link

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