
16 July, 2007

Coalition of Tired Government Doctors

padanla banyak sgt berlaku kesilapan di gov hospital!!!!

On days that a house officer or medical officer is “on call”, he/she is
subjected to the following working hours:
• Monday: 7.30am to 5pm (normal working hours);
• (On call) 5pm to 7.30am the following day;
• Tuesday: 7.30am to 5pm (normal working hours).
This means that a house officer/medical officer who goes to work on Monday
starts his/her work at 7.30am and it only ends at 5pm the following day.

This means that he has to work 34 hours before he or she can go home.
The fact that such working hours have long been practised is not a justification
and not a valid excuse.
The Health Ministry needs to make changes to improve the working environment of
doctors in hospitals in Malaysia.
The current practice and working environment are clearly discouraging doctors
from returning to Malaysia to work. In the long term, this will cause a brain
drain in the medical profession.

Here then are the tips for helping to cope with the stresses of long hours and
night shifts:
# Bring problems with rotas or shift patterns to the attention of management.
# Support junior staff in their efforts to practise safely.
# Establish a successful sleep routine.
# Use naps and caffeine products sensibly.
# Consider the risks carefully if driving home.

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