
21 July, 2007

Pls pass around

Old issued,just remind for all Muslim, very important!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sungguh saya tak tau ada surah ni selama ni. banyak skrg kawan2 saya pertikaikan pasal pakai tudung sbb depa masuk Paltalk dan pak arab kata in arabic-quran takde sebut tutup rambut. they fess tht they should know better. taulah of an-nur:30-32 tapi they argue that those surahs suruh tutup dada aje et al but not rambut. i rasa, ini sebab depa baca quran in english-form. they want the quran to specify the word rambut in the surah. tp, org belajar luarnegara kan, mana nak dengar cakap org. tp, my tudung stays. thanks so much for the disclosure.

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