
11 July, 2007

Ada ke Babi Halal?


Anonymous said...

Halal food is totally abnormal, it is not needed only fanatics who want to divide the society want such nonsence to be followed. The way they slaughter the animals is absolutly cruel. Islam is violating human rights by all means, it is not a religion but rather an evil cult!

Anonymous said...

we ought not to eat pork since pig is greedy, maladious, dirty,hideous and so on.there are so many viruses in it

Anonymous said...

Halal food is totally abnormal???what a stupido statement. as a human being, we should eat certain kind of foods in order to be a human. Pork.What a dirty food!it is proven not good for our health scientifically

Unknown said...

ini yg dikatakan suruh pegi skolah,bakar skolah..ade otak pakai r..respect r skit agama org lain..dah bende 2 haram,HARAM r..

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